Josh Green, M.D.

Governor Josh Green is a proud husband, father, and physician. For the past 20 years, Governor Green cared for Big Island families as a doctor. He served in the State House of Representatives and the State Senate from 2004 to 2018. As chair of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee, he passed “Luke’s Law,” which provides care for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, as well as tobacco and e-cigarette regulations, which increased the legal age for purchasing tobacco and e-cigarettes to 21. Passionate about housing solutions, Governor Green helped create “Kauhale” communities to get unsheltered veterans, kūpuna, and others into safe housing options. These efforts are ongoing and will continue to be one of his top priorities as Governor.  Governor Green expanded the role of Lieutenant Governor by spearheading the largest healthcare response in state history during the COVID pandemic. These critical emergency efforts resulted in Hawaiʻi having the nation’s lowest COVID-19 fatality rate. 

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5 days ago

Today marks a monumental step forward for Hawaiʻi’s health care system, community support, and workforce development as I proudly sign 22 transformative pieces of legislation into law. These bills reflect our unwavering commitment to creating a healthier Hawaiʻi, ensuring that every resident receives the care and support they deserve.
Among these new laws, SB 3139 establishes a crisis intervention and diversion services program within the Department of Health, directing individuals with mental health and substance use disorders away from the criminal justice system and toward appropriate care. HB 2159 enhances support for assisted community treatment, ensuring timely psychiatric evaluations and comprehensive care for individuals in need.
Additionally, SB 3094 creates a working group within the Office of Wellness and Resilience to strengthen the role of peer support specialists, who are vital for mental health and recovery. HB 1827 focuses on bolstering our health care workforce, implementing and expanding programs to attract, train, and retain health care professionals. These laws reflect our unwavering commitment to compassionate care, crisis intervention, and the growth of our health care workforce, building a healthier, more resilient Hawaiʻi for all.
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5 days ago


2 weeks ago

Today we announce the resolution of the Navahine v. Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation constitutional climate case. The settlement agreement, which the court has approved, acknowledges the constitutional rights of Hawaiʻi’s youth to a life-sustaining climate and confirms the commitment by HDOT to plan and implement transformative changes of Hawaiʻi’s transportation system to achieve the state’s goal of net-negative emissions by 2045.

The passion demonstrated by these young people in advocating for a healthy, sustainable future for their generation and those to come, is laudable. This settlement informs how we as a state can best move forward to achieve life-sustaining goals and further, we can surely expect to see these and other youth in Hawaiʻi continue to step up to build the type of future they desire.
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2 weeks ago

Office of the Governor Press Conference:
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This June, we celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community with pride. There is always work to be done, but we are proud to share that Hawai‘i has been rated one of the safest places for our LGBTQIA+ community.

Our residents and policymakers have long been making steady progress toward equity and nondiscrimination, and we hope to see this kind of aloha spirit grow, moving forward.

Join us in celebrating Pride Month this June. Let us continue working together to prove ourselves as a place of acceptance and tolerance, where diversity is always celebrated. It is our kuleana to ensure Hawai‘i is a welcoming space for everyone. Happy Pride!
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