Maui eviction moratorium information and resources are available here.
General Contact Information
Office of the Governor
The Honorable Josh Green
Governor, State of Hawai‘i
Executive Chambers
State Capitol
415 South Beretania St.
Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96813
Phone: (808) 586-0034
Email Governor Green
Governor’s Neighbor Island Liaison Offices – East Hawai‘i
75 Aupuni Street, Room 103A
Hilo, HI 96720
Phone: (808) 974-6262
Email Governor’s East Hawaii Representative
Governor’s Neighbor Island Liaison Offices – West Hawai‘i
Captain Cook Civic Center
82-6130 Mamalahoa Hwy., Bldg. 2
Captain Cook, HI 96704
Phone: (808) 323-4542
Email Governor’s West Hawaii Representative
Governor’s Neighbor Island Liaison Offices – Kaua‘i
3060 Eiwa Street, #106
Lihue, HI 96766
Phone: (808) 274-3102
Email Governor’s Kauai Representative
Governor’s Neighbor Island Liaison Offices – Maui
State Building No. 2264
Aupuni Street, #1
Wailuku, HI 96793
Phone: (808) 243-5796
Email Governor’s Maui Representative
Office of the Lieutenant Governor
The Honorable Sylvia Luke
Lieutenant Governor, State of Hawai‘i
State Capitol
Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96813
Phone: (808) 586-0255
Fax: (808) 586-0006
State Departments
Frequently Requested Numbers
- Birth, Death, Marriage and Divorce Certificates (Department of Health): (808) 586-4539 website
- General Excise Tax Information (Department of Taxation): (808) 587-1455 website
- Hawai‘i Public Housing Authority: (808) 832-4682 website
- Highways & Roads Maintenance (Department of Transportation): (808) 831-6714 website
- Homeless Programs: (808) 586-7082 website
- Med-QUEST (Department of Human Services): 1-800-316-8005 website
- Name Change (Lt. Governor’s Office): (808) 586-0255 website
- State Library (Main Branch): (808) 586-3500 website
- Tax Refund (Department of Taxation): (808) 587-4242 website
- Vector and Disease Control: (808) 586-4708 website
- Dept. of Education: (808) 784-6200 website
- Board of Education: (808) 586-3334 website
- State Identification (available via the various county departments of motor vehicles)
- City and County of Honolulu Information Line: (808) 768-4385 website
- City and County of Honolulu Office of the Mayor: (808) 523-4141 website
- City & County of Honolulu Section 8 (Low-Income Housing): (808) 523-4266
- County of Kauai Office of the Mayor: (808) 241-6300 website
- County of Maui Office of the Mayor: (808) 270-7855 website
- County of Hawai‘i Office of the Mayor: (808) 961-8223 website
- Social Security Office: (808) 541-3600
Office of the Governor Standards of Conduct for Public Comments
The Governor’s Office encourages and welcomes your comments. Our goals in operating our social media accounts and allowing public comments are to share information with as many people as possible, gain constructive feedback, and to foster courteous discussion. Where public comments are enabled, we request that commenting be done in a respectful manner and that all commenters be considerate and civil toward one another. All content posted, including public comments, on Social Media accounts managed by the Governor’s Office is monitored. The Governor’s Office does not discriminate against any views, but comments containing any of the following are inconsistent with the purposes of the forum and are not permitted:
- Personally identifiable information, such as Social Security Numbers, home or business addresses, e-mail addresses, or phone numbers;
- Threats of harm or violence;
- Obscene or vulgar language or content;
- Pornography of any kind;
- Defamation to a person or persons;
- Discriminatory or racist language or content;
- Conduct, incitement, encouragement, or solicitation of illegal activity;
- Personal attacks, including discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, marital status, national origin, physical or mental disability, physical appearance, sexual orientation, or financial status;
- Repetitive “spam” comments.
Public comments on our social media accounts are not moderated prior to posting, but they are monitored on an ongoing basis. Comments found by our moderators to contain any of the above categories will be removed or hidden. Repeated violations of this policy by the same individual, following removal or hiding of the individual’s comments, may cause that individual to be blocked from interacting with the account.
In appropriate cases, such as threats of violence against persons or property, comments will be reported to the relevant law enforcement agency.
The opinions expressed in public comments are those of the authors and do not represent the positions or opinions of the Governor or the Governor’s Office.