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Gov. Green Opens Paepae Hou Kauhale with Blessing

Posted on Mar 28, 2024 in Featured, Latest Department News, Newsroom, Office of the Governor Press Releases







The Newest Kauhale by the Green Administration




March 28, 2024

HONOLULU — Governor Josh Green, M.D., today announced the opening of the Paepae Hou kauhale. This kauhale embraces people who are experiencing homelessness and have substance abuse disorders. It provides a safe, healing space where there is access to treatment, peer support, and other wrap-around services.

Governor Green was joined in today’s blessing by the Institute for Human Services, which will serve as the operator of this kauhale. It has been named Paepae Hou, which means rebuilding a solid foundation, with strong walls that endure for a lifetime of sober success.

“It is special to see this particular kauhale, because it’s a little different. It’s smack dab in a community, which says ʻyes we welcome you, we welcome your capacity to heal,’  with families not so far away. Because after all, in Hawaiʻi, we are at the most, one degree of separation away from one another and if we don’t acknowledge that, we’re really fooling ourselves. There is constantly someone in our own family circle that has great need,” said Governor Green. “We should lead the country and show them that it can be done,” he said.

Located in John Mizuno’s “backyard,” the district he served as a state Representative  for 17 years, in a community that he cares for and cherishes. “The people of Kalihi are compassionate and we will support our people that are in need of supportive housing with a focus on healing, self-sufficiency and securing sustainable employment. This is who we are in Kalihi, a caring community that supports uplifting its people.”

The operator of this much-needed project will be the Institute of Human Services (IHS). The residents will be people in the community who are experiencing housing instability after receiving treatment and in need of a place to recover. This kauhale will offer a smooth transition through experiencing a healing community with an opportunity to practice sharing space and kuleana for contributing and learning with others in the context of familiar local Hawaiian values of mālama, lōkahi and noho pono (morality), through the care of the edible gardens with a fish farm, where residents will be afforded workforce development, education opportunities and further housing navigation assistance into permanent housing.

This particular kauhale project will provide cost savings in that the Institute for Human Services renovated two existing homes, offering services for up to 24 people a year. Residents will be receiving wrap-around services in these homes, without the need for build-and-drop modular units, as was done in our previous kauhale projects. This is a significant cost savings to the state in that we already have existing infrastructure with rooms, showers, restrooms, dining room, and office space.

This kauhale is also unique in that this is our first site with an aquaponics and hydroponics system; growing catfish, lettuce, eggplant, tomatoes, green onions, okra and squash. The operation will produce 15 lbs. of produce per week, or 780 lbs. of produce per year. The farm will feed the residents, and any excess will be sold to farmers markets, grocery stores, and restaurants. This kauhale represents workforce development and sustainability.

While this is a permanent housing program with no limits on how long participants can stay, it is anticipated many will transition out into other housing situations that provide them more privacy and space to continue their lives in safe, affordable housing. As such, Medicaid-funded Community Integration Services (CIS) housing navigator support will also be utilized, to help participants obtain and sustain housing, as needed.

This project is designed to help homeless adult individuals who have completed detox or residential treatment to transition into a safe, healthy living environment that will sustain their recovery and help avoid returning to homelessness. Many homeless adults who complete treatment experience relapse, if there is not a supportive environment at discharge to which they may transition to in the community. This program promotes reintegration into community life with housing and building social supports and achieving increased self-sufficiency through building community living skills and gainful employment.

Photos from today’s kauhale blessing can be found here. Photo credit: Office of the Governor.

About Governor Green’s Kauhale Initiative:

Since taking office, the Green Administration has launched six state-led kauhale. This brings the statewide total to 10 operating kauhale.

About IHS

IHS, The Institute for Human Services is 501c3 private non-profit organization. Each houseless person’s unique story inspires us to action. By working with partners in government, business and community organizations, we deliver a spectrum of services with urgency, embrace innovation, and advocate for system changes through community education and outreach.

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Media Contacts:       

Erika Engle     

Press Secretary     

Office of the Governor, State of Hawai‘i     

Office: 808-586-0120     

Email: [email protected]  


Makana McClellan       

Director of Communications       

Office of the Governor, State of Hawaiʻi      

Cell: 808-265-0083       

Email: [email protected]