Maui eviction moratorium information and resources are available here.

Ke Ala Hou, August 2023 Governor’s Message

Posted on Jul 31, 2023 in Featured, Main

As I stated at the start of my Administration in my first address to the Hawaiʻi State Legislature in January, it is imperative that we come to the table with new ideas, new solutions, and bold action rooted in our shared values. Business-as-usual won’t work anymore – there is simply too much at stake to accept the status quo, which is why on July 17, I signed the Emergency Proclamation (EP) on Housing to accelerate relief from the statewide housing crisis.

The EP will advance the safe construction of thousands of critically needed, public, low-income, affordable, workforce, and market-rate for-sale and rental units for Hawaiʻi residents across the state, while ensuring careful stewardship of our irreplaceable natural resources and respecting our iwi kūpuna.

The affordable housing crisis in Hawaiʻi has reached a state of emergency. The Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism (DBEDT) finds that our state will require an additional 50,000+ homes by the year 2025.

Our statewide effort to address the affordable housing crisis is focused on three main priorities:

• Prioritize, protect, and provide housing for our local people;

• Invest in critical infrastructure and development of new housing units;

• Collaborate and coordinate with key federal, state, county, and private sector stakeholders to streamline the process.


Our EP on Housing encompasses these three priorities. As we did in May when we opened Pūlama Ola, the first kauhale community built under my Administration, we will continue to take bold action on providing affordable housing for working families, ending homelessness, protecting our environment, and doing everything in our power to make Hawaiʻi more affordable for our people – who are leaving their ‘āina at alarming rates.

We pledge transparency in our efforts and remain steadfast in our commitment to prioritize, protect, and provide housing for our local people.
