Maui eviction moratorium information and resources are available here.

Taking Action in Support of Health and Wellness

Posted on Feb 28, 2023 in Featured, Main

Pictured left to right: Back row – Melanie Martin (PSD Deputy Director for Administration), Susan Maracle-Sweeney (PSD Fiscal Management Officer), Indunil Liyanage (Re-entry Coordination Office Assistant), Tourn Chaidy (Re-entry Coordination Office Assistant). Front row – Kris Najim (Litigation Coordination Office Program Specialist), Heather Kimura (Corrections Program Specialist).


The Department of Public Safety’s (PSD) Deputy Director for Administration Melanie Martin and Human Resources Specialist Virginia Kemmerlin have taken Governor Green’s priority for health and wellness to heart. Starting with the PSD offices downtown, they have implemented a health and wellness program for their workplace called “Walk Healthy Wednesdays” that they are hoping to eventually expand to PSD offices statewide. They also take time to compile and email information on upcoming events that promote healthy activities going on in the community.