Maui eviction moratorium information and resources are available here.
Posted on May 24, 2023 in Latest Department News, NewsroomHONOLULU, HI ̶ The State of Hawaiʻi has partnered with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to increase awareness about the USFWS’s Information for Planning and Consultation (IPaC) online tool and how it fits into the Section 7 consultation process under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, as amended.
Through the Office of Planning and Sustainable Development and Environmental Advisory Council’s Information & Outreach Committee, the public will learn how to incorporate the IPaC online tool into their project planning processes. Topics covered will include when and how to create an Official Species List, how to navigate the features in the IPaC online tool, and what to do with the Official Species List once obtained. The IPaC online tool is now required for all consultations under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended.
The IPaC online tool also provides Official Species Lists for coordination with the USFWS under the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, and can assist project proponents by providing a list of birds protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act that may occur within a project’s action area. The presenters will also share the USFWS’s vision for IPaC and future features under development. Carrie Harrington, endangered species biologist with the USFWS, Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office, is presenting in collaboration with Chelby Kilheffer, Endangered Species Biologist, and Victoria Foster, National IPaC Program Coordinator, from the USFWSʻs Headquarters IPaC team in Washington, D.C.
To learn more about the IPaC online tool, please log onto Zoom on Thursday, June 1, 2023 from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM Hawai‘i Standard Time (HST):
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About the State Office of Planning and Sustainable Development
The Office of Planning and Sustainable Development is a state agency, attached to the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT), that gathers, analyzes and provides information to the governor to assist in the overall analysis and formulation of state policies and strategies. Its purpose is to: (1) provide central direction and cohesion in the allocation of resources and effectuation of state activities and programs; and (2) effectively address current or emerging issues and opportunities. The office works closely with local, state and federal government agencies; the University of Hawaiʻi; and various community stakeholders to achieve these objectives. For more information, please visit
About the Environmental Advisory Council
Act 152 of July 2, 2021 established the Environmental Advisory Council. The council serves as a liaison between the Office of Planning and Sustainable Development and the public on matters concerning ecology and environmental quality. The council monitors the progress of state, county, and federal agencies in achieving the state’s environmental goals and policies and publishes its findings in its annual reports. The council also conducts forums for various outreach activities. For more information, please visit
Dawn Hegger-Nordblom
Information & Outreach Committee
Environmental Advisory Council
(808) 282-2141
Laci Goshi
Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism
Office of the Director
(808) 587-9006
[email protected]