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DBEDT NEWS RELEASE: Small Business Regulatory Review Board Elects 2023-2024 Officers
Posted on Jun 29, 2023 in Latest Department News, NewsroomHONOLULU – The Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT) Small Business Regulatory Review Board (SBRRB) has announced its officers for fiscal year 2024 to 2025.
Mary Albitz, chair (Maui) – A member since 2018, Ms. Albitz is the owner of Island Art Party, a paint and sip studio located in Kīhei.
Robert Cundiff, vice chair (O‘ahu) – Mr. Cundiff has been a board member since 2015 and served as the SBRRB chair for the last four years. He is a principal of Lokama Group, a business/management consulting service.
Jonathan Shick, second vice-chair (O‘ahu) – Mr. Shick works for Pono Consulting Group LLC and has been an SBRRB member since 2019.
Other board members include Nancy Atmospera-Walch (O‘ahu), Garth Yamanaka (Hawai‘i), James (Kimo) Lee (Hawai‘i), Will Lydgate (Kaua‘i), Stanford Morioka (O‘ahu), and Tessa Gomes (O‘ahu).
“The SBRRB oversees rules and regulations for Hawai‘i small businesses promulgated by state and county agencies. I believe that the SBRRB is very committed to improving the regulatory climate in the state for the benefit of small businesses. We appreciate the board members for giving their time and expertise to this program,” said DBEDT Director James Kunane Tokioka.
“The SBRRB is ‘open for business’ and continues to meet monthly via electronic means,” stated SBRRB Administrator Dori Palcovich. “We encourage those small businesses that may have specific regulatory concerns with Hawai‘i Administrative Rules to join the monthly meetings.”
For more information on SBRRB meetings, please visit
About Small Business Regulatory Review Board (SBRRB)
The SBRRB was established on July 1, 1998 with the passage of the Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Act. The responsibilities of the SBRRB include:
1) Commentary on small business impact statements to the rule-drafting agencies.
2) Identification and commentary on business impact of existing administrative rules.
3) Recommendations to the Governor’s Office, state agencies or the legislature, on any proposed new or amended administrative rules or changes in legislation.
4) Recommendations to the mayors or county councils regarding county rules; and
5) Review of small business petitions and complaints on business impact.
The SBRRB is comprised of 10 volunteer members who are current or former owners or officers of businesses from across the state, and the director of DBEDT or the director’s designated representative, who serves as an “ex officio” member. Three members are appointed by the Senate President, three members by the Speaker of the House, two members by the SBRRB, and two appointed by the Governor.
Further, the appointments reflect a representation of a variety of businesses in the state with no more than two members from the same type of business and at least one representative from each county.
About Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT)
DBEDT is Hawai‘i’s resource center for economic and statistical data, business development opportunities, energy and conservation information, and foreign trade advantages. DBEDT’s mission is to achieve a Hawai‘i economy that embraces innovation and is globally competitive, dynamic and productive, providing opportunities for all Hawai‘i’s citizens. Through its attached agencies, the department fosters planned community development, creates affordable workforce housing units in high-quality living environments, and promotes innovation sector job growth.
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Media Contact:
Laci Goshi
Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism
(808) 587-9006