Posted on Feb 22, 2023 in Latest Department News, Newsroom

(HONOLULU) – The DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) announce that applications for the 2023 Lānaʻi mouflon sheep hunting season will be available beginning Monday, March 6, 2023.

The Lānaʻi mouflon sheep season will consist of four hunts: an archery hunt, a youth hunt, a muzzleloader hunt, and a general rifle hunt.

The conditions below are applicable to all Lānaʻi mouflon sheep hunts. For additional conditions related to each hunt, view the hunting announcement at https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/recreation/hunting:

  • A $10 application fee will be assessed for each person applying for a hunt. All application fee sales are final and must accompany each application at the time of filing. A game mammal tag fee will be assessed at the time of hunter check-in. Hawaiʻi residents will be assessed $20 and non-Hawaii residents $125 for each mouflon sheep tag. No tag fee will be assessed for the non-typical ram tag.
  • Hunts may be subject to a lottery drawing.
  • Public drawings for the Archery, Youth and Muzzleloader hunts will be conducted on Friday, May 5, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. at the J Cameron Center, MEO facility on the island of Maui. At 12:00 noon, a public drawing will assign hunting dates, a going status, and if necessary, establish stand-by positions for the General Rifle Hunt lottery. The standby selection process will begin upon completion of the general rifle lottery.  The Lānaʻiresident public drawing will be conducted at 9:00 am at the same location.
  • Hunter assistants will be allowed to accompany hunters who are senior citizens (age 65 or older) or disabled. Proper documentation, along with the validated hunter assistant permit, must be made available to any DLNR representative upon request.
  • The bag limit for the 2023 Lānaʻi mouflon sheep season will be three (3) mouflon sheep (one ewe, one either sex, and one non-typical ram) per hunter per authorized hunt. Hunters may be required to purchase an ewe tag before being able to purchase or receive an either-sex tag and non-typical ram tag. Tags are not transferable and are valid only for the specific hunt for which it was issued.


The deadline for submitting applications will be 4:00 pm on Friday, April 7, 2023.

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(All images/video courtesy: DLNR)

For more information and to apply:


Or call

Oʻahu: 1-808-587-0166                                   Maui: 1-808-984-8100

            Hawaiʻi: 1-808-974-4221 (Hilo)                      Moloka‘i: 1-808-553-1745

            Kauaʻi: 1-808-274-3433                                  Lānaʻi: 1-808-565-7916

Media Contact:

Madison Rice

Communications Specialist

