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DLNR News Release- Grant Applications Open For Wildfire Risk Reduction And Landscape Scale Restoration, Sept. 26, 2023
Posted on Sep 26, 2023 in Latest Department News, Newsroom(HONOLULU) – Three grant opportunities to assist landowners in reducing fire risk and restoring landscapes are now open and accepting applications via the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW). The opportunities include Landscape Scale Restoration grants, Community Wildfire Defense grants, and Wildland-Urban Interface grants. All three opportunities are funded by the US Forest Service and full details are available through the Hawaiʻi Awards and Notices Data System.
Landscape Scale Restoration Grants (October 16): Landscape Scale Restoration (LSR) grants address priority landscapes and/or issues identified in the Hawaiʻi Forest Action Plan and encourage collaborative, science-based restoration projects that encompass a diversity of ownerships at a scale that can address the restoration objectives identified in the project. A project proposal MUST be designed to achieve one or more of the following Landscape Objectives:
- Reduce the risk of uncharacteristic wildfires.
- Improve fish and wildlife habitats, including habitats for threatened and endangered species.
- Maintain or improve water quality and watershed functions.
- Mitigate invasive species, insect infestation, and disease.
- Improve important forest ecosystems; and
- Measure ecological and economic benefits including air quality and soil quality and productivity.
Ineligible activities include but are not limited to purchasing land, purchasing technical equipment greater than $5,000 without prior approval by USFS, work on federal land, construction (e.g., new buildings or roads), and research-related activities.
Submittals will be accepted up to 12:00 PM (HST) on October 16, 2023. Full details are available at the Hawaiʻi Awards & Notices Data System. Note that this grant opportunity is listed in the same Request for Interest as the Wildland-Urban Interface Grants. Applications should be emailed to Tanya Rubenstein([email protected]), DLNR Cooperative Resource Management Forester, using the subject header “LSR Request for Interest.”
Community Wildfire Defense Grants (October 21): This program offers funding to assist communities to prevent, plan for, and mitigate wildfire risks. Grants prioritize communities in areas identified as having high or very high wildfire hazard potential, are low-income, and/or have been impacted by a severe disaster. The CWDG Program is anchored in the three goals of the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy:
- Restore and Maintain Landscapes: Landscapes across all jurisdictions are resilient to fire-related disturbances, in accordance with management objectives.
- Create Fire-Adapted Communities: Human populations and infrastructure can withstand a wildfire without loss of life and property.
- Improve Wildfire Response: All jurisdictions participate in making and implementing safe, effective, efficient risk-based wildfire management decisions.
Submittals will be received up to 12:00 PM HST on October 21, 2023. Full details are available at the Hawaiʻi Awards & Notices Data System. Applicants can contact Michael Walker at [email protected] for more information.
Wildland-Urban Interface Grants: Funds to mitigate risk from wildland fire within the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) are available and awarded annually through a competitive process with emphasis on:
- Hazard fuel reduction in the WUI.
- Information and education.
- Assessment and planning; and
- Monitoring through community and landowner action.
Projects that do not qualify include suppression capacity building, such as the purchase of fire department equipment. Applications must describe how the project connects with the goals of the Hawaiʻi Forest Action Plan and an existing Community Wildfire Protection Plan.
Submittals will be received up to 12:00 PM (HST) on January 5, 2024. Full details are available at the Hawaiʻi Awards & Notices Data System. Note that this grant opportunity is listed in the same Request for Interest as the Landscape Scale Restoration Grants. Applications should be emailed to Michael Walker([email protected]), DLNR State Fire Protection Forester, using subject header “WUI Request for Interest.”
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(All images courtesy: DLNR)
Please see attached photo: Waʻahila Ridge Fire (September 2020)
- Landscape Scale Restoration Grants and Wildland-Urban Interface Grants Request for Interest listing:
- Community Wildfire Defense Grants Request for Interest listing:
- Hawaiʻi Forest Action Plan:
- Community Wildfire Protection Plans:
Media Contact:
AJ McWhorter
Communications Specialist
Hawai‘i Department of Land and Natural Resources
[email protected]