DOH News Release – Department of Health Recognizes Emergency Medical Service Providers During EMS Week

Posted on May 19, 2023 in Latest Department News, Newsroom

HONOLULU, HI – The Hawai‘i Department of Health (DOH) joins Governor Josh Green, M.D. in proclaiming May 21-27, 2023, as Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Week. Through their dedication and service, Hawai‘i’s EMS practitioners and professionals play a vital role in our communities. The theme for this year’s National EMS Week is, “Where Emergency Care Begins.” EMS Week is a time to celebrate the health professionals on the frontlines who save lives every day.


“We’d like to take this opportunity to recognize and show our appreciation to the brave individuals who provide lifesaving interventions to our community, any time, day or night. EMS personnel provide critical care in the field, are an invaluable service to our patients, and are an integral part of our medical team. Mahalo for everything you do,” said Gregory Suares, M.D., President of the Hawaii Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians.


“During this week we would like to express our gratitude to Hawai‘i’s EMS professionals for safeguarding the health and well-being of our residents and visitors,” said Alvin C. Bronstein, M.D., FACEP, Chief of DOH Emergency Medical Services and Injury Prevention System Branch (EMSIPSB). “We rely on consistent and essential availability of this service. I encourage the public to recognize and thank these community servants for their rapid, expert, and compassionate care.”


The DOH EMSIPSB administers, maintains, and operates a comprehensive emergency medical services system state-wide that is designed to reduce medical emergency deaths, injuries, and permanent long-term disabilities. Four county agencies make up the Hawai‘i EMS system. Each county has the required personnel, facilities, and equipment to provide lifesaving emergency care to all residents and visitors.


Hawai‘i EMS Week is supported by the DOH, the Hawaii Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians, and the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians.


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Media Contact:

Shawn Hamamoto


Department of Health


Phone: (808) 586-4417

Cell: (808) 722-5380